Healthy Mind Healthy Body – Third Edition
Healthy Mind Healthy Body Third Edition consists of three Mental Health Curriculum supplements (teacher resource) designed for classroom delivery in order to fill a recognized gap that currently exists in mental health materials. The Resources will help teachers introduce age appropriate mental health concepts gradually over the years. Available in both official languages; English and French, they are an authorized teaching resource by several Departments of Education across North America for use with the Health Education Curriculum Healthy Living.
Healthy Mind Healthy Body (Third Edition) – Resource 1: My Health and My Brain (Grades P‑3)$10.99 – $43.99
Healthy Mind Healthy Body (Third Edition) – Resource 2: I Feel Sad Sometimes (Grades 4‑6)$13.99 – $46.99
Healthy Mind Healthy Body (Third Edition) – Resource 3: I’m in Control (Grades 7‑12)$13.99 – $46.99